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Trade 5 cryptocurrencies with Icon FX

Unlock the World of Cryptocurrency Trading with Icon FX

Welcome to the world of cryptocurrencies, a dynamic realm reshaping the financial landscape. Cryptocurrencies are decentralised digital assets employing cryptographic techniques for secure transactions. Built on blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies offer transparent and immutable transaction records, revolutionising financial interactions. Discover the exciting world of cryptocurrency trading with us, where innovation meets opportunity.


Contract Size
1 Coin
Open Time
00:05 - 23:55
Minimum Trade Size
Maximum Trade Size
10 Lots

Bitcoin Cash

Contract Size
10 Coins
Open Time
00:05 - 23:55
Minimum Trade Size
Maximum Trade Size
10 Lots


Contract Size
100 Coins
Open Time
00:05 - 23:55
Minimum Trade Size
Maximum Trade Size
10 Lots


Contract Size
10 Coins
Open Time
00:05 - 23:55
Minimum Trade Size
Maximum Trade Size
10 Lots


Contract Size
10,000 Coins
Open Time
00:05 - 23:55
Minimum Trade Size
Maximum Trade Size
10 Lots

Benefits of trading cryptocurrency

24/5 Market

Trade cryptocurrency round the clock


Cryptocurrencies operate on decentralised networks, free from control by central banks or governments


Adding cryptocurrencies to an investment portfolio can diversify risk exposure and hedge against inflation


Abundance of opportunity in a highly volatile marketplace

Bi-Directional Trading

At Icon FX you can buy and sell Cryptocurrencies at 1:5 leverage

Fast Account Opening

Sign up with us and start trading cryptocurrency in less than 5 minutes

A Decentralised Environment

In contrast to conventional fiat currencies like the US dollar or euro, which are regulated by governments and central banks such as the US Fed and ECB, cryptocurrencies function within a decentralised structure. This decentralised setup is managed by a global community and facilitated by a vast network of computers using blockchain technology. As a result, cryptocurrencies are resistant to government intervention or manipulation of their supply and worth. Furthermore, ownership and trading of cryptocurrencies are global in scope, surpassing the confines of any individual economy or geographical area.

Ideal for Risk Hedging

Cryptocurrencies, being decentralised and traded globally, are resistant to governmental or organisational control. As a result, market prices are not influenced by the political or economic fluctuations of any particular country, but are solely determined by the forces of supply and demand. This intrinsic characteristic makes cryptocurrencies a preferred option among traders seeking to diversify their portfolios and hedge against risks arising from political volatility and economic uncertainty.

Cryptocurrencies can also hedge against inflation because they often have limited supply and operate independently of traditional financial systems. This means they're not subject to the same inflationary pressures as fiat currencies controlled by governments and central banks. Therefore, investors may turn to cryptocurrencies as a way to protect their wealth from the effects of inflation.

Unlocking Profit Opportunities

The burgeoning credibility and popularity of cryptocurrencies have ignited remarkable price surges, delivering unprecedented returns for both novice and seasoned traders. Furthermore, the market's high volatility presents enticing profit prospects. It's crucial to acknowledge that this volatility cuts both ways, potentially leading to losses with certain trading decisions. Nevertheless, traders are flocking to the market, eager to partake in this extraordinary growth narrative.

Hedging Against Inflation

Despite the existence of millions of cryptocurrencies in circulation and active trading, their overall supply remains finite. This inherent scarcity factor likens cryptocurrency trading to that of precious assets like gold or diamonds. Cryptocurrencies' inherent scarcity has propelled them into the limelight as a favoured asset for hedging against the erosive effects of inflation.

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Icon FX is a trade name of Icon Tech LLC, a limited company registered in SVG (3251)

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Risk Warning: Trading foreign exchange on margin carries significant risks, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to trade foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. With the demo account you can test any trading strategies you wish in a risk-free environment. Please bear in mind that the results of the transactions of the practice account are virtual, and do not reflect any real profit or loss or a real trading environment, whereas market conditions may affect both the quotation and execution. A Disclosure Document is available here. Information about our services, including our fees and charges is also available at those sources.