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Why Icon FX

With our advanced tools, lightning-fast execution, and flexible trading conditions, we’re the brokerage of choice for clients around the world. We provide them with the resources they need to achieve better performance thanks to our extensive industry experience and continuous research of global financial markets.

The Icon FX Mission

It is our mission to continuously provide best-in-class service in currency trading, indices, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, and energies.

The operational philosophy we follow is simple: we earn the loyalty of our clients by providing them with the best tools, the highest standards of service to encourage the best performance possible. 

In the FX world, reputation is everything. Ours is built on providing our clients with the best-in-class customer service with no exceptions and zero excuses. Try one of our no obligation demo accounts today.
This is our commitment to our clients: we will never compromise when it comes to tools and data that affect client performance. We will continue to offer tight spreads and the best execution possible. And above all, we’ll provide 24/5 customer service as well as multilingual support.
International markets grow more sophisticated every day, and it takes constant vigilance to keep up.

Icon FX uses the latest tools and technology to monitor them & provide our clients with what they need to know to make fast, informed decisions. Because the sooner you’re in the know, the quicker you can grow your portfolio.

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Copyright © 2024 IconFX
Icon FX is a trade name of Icon Tech LLC, a limited company registered in SVG (3251)

Here at Icon FX we want to expand our positive influence beyond the financial sector. That’s why when you trade with Icon FX we commit a portion of our revenue to supporting world-leading projects like Ocean-Bound Plastic Clean-up and Mangrove Tree Planting. See more info here
Risk Warning: Trading foreign exchange on margin carries significant risks, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to trade foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. With the demo account you can test any trading strategies you wish in a risk-free environment. Please bear in mind that the results of the transactions of the practice account are virtual, and do not reflect any real profit or loss or a real trading environment, whereas market conditions may affect both the quotation and execution. A Disclosure Document is available here. Information about our services, including our fees and charges is also available at those sources.